May 3,2023 – 7:00pm
Meeting Held at Elmwood Village Office
The Village Board of Trustees met in regular session on Wednesday, May 3 ,2023. Vice Chairperson Renee Holland called the meeting to order at 7:00pm. Holland stated that a current copy of the Nebraska Open Meetings Act was posted.
Roll Call: Patric Euse, Becky Kicak, Heather Scott & Renee Holland. Absent: Jared Blunt
Minutes: Scott made a motion, second by Euse to approve meeting minutes for April 5,2023. RCV: Yes: Approved 4-0
Claims and payroll: Euse made a motion, 2nd by Kicak to approve claims & payroll for May 2, 2023 RCV: Yes: Approved 4-0
Claims Key: Contract Labor(CL), Electricity (E), Natural Gas (NG), Monthly Allotment (MA), Refuse (R), Fuel (F), Supplies (S) Publication (P), Telephone (T), Mile Reimbursement (MR), Labs (L), Attorney (A), Cellphone(CP), Postage(PO), Payroll Tax(PT), Simple IRA(SI), Dues(D), Payroll (PR)
Claims: Elmwood Public Library(MA) 2,500 Cass County Refuse(R) 75 The Voice News(P) 579.99 Frontier Coop(F) 98.52 Core & Main(S) 98.52 Windstream(T) 196.38 David Nuss(CL) 1,225 Moriah Lenz(MR) 68.99 OPPD(E) 3,479.68 NE Public Health Lab(L) 31 NE Digging(CL) 650 UNO(CS) 268 HACH Company(S) 53.38 Randy Bornemeier(CL) 2,070 Cline Williams Wright Johnson & Oldfather(A) 174 SouthSide Plumbing(CL) 3,852 Verizon(CP) 55.51 USABlue Book(S) 138.57 OPPD(E) 42.82 Michael Todd Industrial Supply(S) 40.12 Quill(S) 352.60 Black Hills Energy(NG) 673 U.S. Postal Service(PO) 207 IRS(PT) 3,038.78 NE Dept. of Revenue(PT) 1,614.49 American Funds(SI) 208.26 Intuit QuickBooks(D) 10.50 Meeske Ace Hardware(S) 33.98 Salary(PR) 10,197.37
New Business
Discussion/Action Lot Split – Parcel lot #130032611 & 130032786 – Chris Hoyt/Doug Spellman
Scott made a motion to approve the Lot split application for Parcel lots #130032611 & 130032611 on Chris Hoyt’s property, second by Kicak. RCV: YES: Approved 4-0
Discussion/Action 208 West C Street – Reimbursement on base rate charges when water wasn’t in use – Gonzalo Romero
Shut off/turn on wasn’t possible due to a tree that grew around the shut off. Motion by Scott to credit 208 West C Street for Jan– March 2023 total of $179.76, second by Euse. RCV: YES: Approved 4-0 Motion by Scott to waive the shut off fee of $35, second by Euse. RCV: Approved 3-1 Voted Yes: Scott, Euse & Holland No - Kicak
Discussion 2023 Annual TIF Report
Moriah supplied the 2023 TIF report to the board. No further discussion
Discussion CCNEDC Economic Growth Priorities
Board had nothing at this time to report to CCNEDC
Discussion/Action Filling pools while on water restrictions
Ed reported we are on water restrictions due to the aquafer being low due to drought. No Action taken – Future Agenda
Discussion/Action Moriah attending Municipal Accounting & Finance Conference in Lincoln June 21-23,2023
Motion by Scott for Moriah to attend the League of NE Municipalities Accounting and Finance Conference in Lincoln June 21-23, 2023 with Mile Reimbursement and per diam, second by Kicak. RCV: YES: Approved 4-0
Unfinished Business
Discussion/Action building permit for placement of a metal storage container at 144 ½ North 4th St. (meat locker) – Ben Wessling
Ben told the board that with expanding the business they have more supplies so instead of stacking everything outside and causing an eye sore he would like to get a storage container to store everything in. Motion by Scott to approve 144 ½ North 4th Street building permit, second by Euse. RCV: YES: Approved 4-0
Discussion/Action Tiger Shredding for town clean up
Keep Cass County Beautiful and American Exchange Bank are going to help sponsor Tiger Shredding during Town Clean up days. This Shredding event will be Offered June 24,2023 from 9-11am in the parking lot of the Village Office located at 221 South 4th Street.
Discussion/Action Keep Cass County Beautiful Recycling Events
Moriah will follow up with Dana to see how the first event turns.
Discussion Attorney action for Nuisance properties & 112 North 4th Street
Tabled until after reports
Renee announced that we would go into executive session regarding legal actions on nuisance properties. Euse made a motion to go into executive session regarding current legal actions on nuisance issues, second by Scott. RCV: YES: Approved 4-0 Motion by Scott, second by Kicak to go into executive session at 8:07pm. RCV: YES: Approved 4-0
In attendance in executive session is Renee Holland, Patrick Euse, Heather Scott, Becky Kicak, Moriah Lenz and Attorney Jena Mahin with Solheim Law Firm. Motion by Kicak to leave executive session at 8:35pm, second by Euse. RCV: YES: Approved 4-0
Reports/Boards, Commissions, and Committees
Library: Kicak made a motion to approve May 1,2023 Claims and Payroll, second by Scott. RCV: YES: Approved 4-0
Library Claims Key: Petty Cash Reimbursement (PR), New Books (NB), Supplies(S), Telephone(T), Natural Gas(NG), Electricity(E), Internet(I), Payroll Tax(PT),
Library Claims & Payroll: Elmwood Public Library(PR) 17.67 ABDO Spotlight – Magic Wagon(NB) Amazon(NB)(S) 160.21 Windstream(T) 48.82 Black Hills Energy(NG) 146.71 OPPD(E) 70.91 Scott Bornemeier(I) 60.34 NE Dept. of Revenue (PT) 253.49 NE Dept. of Labor(PT) 2.40 United states Treasury(PT) 7.22 Intuit(PT) 3.50 Salary 1,039.94
Park: Motion by Scott to approve the purchase of a new ADA compliant toilet for the men’s bathroom at the park and not to exceed $500, second by Euse. RCV: YES: Approved 4-0
Summer Helper: We only had one applicant apply. Motion by Scott to hire the applicant that applied, Jacob Blunt as the summer helper at $20/hour, second by Euse. RCV: YES: Approved 4-0
Water: Motion by Euse to approve NE Digging’s bid for $2,258.28 to replace the water meter pit at 402 South 4th Street because the water meter isn’t reading, second by Kicak. RCV: YES: Approved 4-0
Planning/Zoning: Next Meeting is May 15,2023 at 7:00pm
Public Comment: Chris Hoyt – 304 West F Street “ I just want to thank you for approving my lot split.”
Future Agenda:
Roof Leak Bid
Master Fee Schedule Ordinance with Pool/Spa fee added
Filling pools while on water restrictions
Moriah’s Annual Review (June 7th)
Further Action on Nuisance Properties (June 7th)
Adjournment: 8:35pm