June 7,2023 – 7:00pm
Meeting Held at Elmwood Village Office
The Village Board of Trustees met in regular session on Wednesday, June 7 ,2023. Chairperson Jared Blunt called the meeting to order at 7:00pm. Blunt stated that a current copy of the Nebraska Open Meetings Act was posted.
Roll Call: Heather Scott, Becky Kicak, Patric Euse & Jared Blunt. Absent: Renee Holland
Minutes: Motion by Scott, second by Euse to approve meeting minutes for May 3,2023. RCV: Yes: Approved 4-0
Claims and payroll: Motion by Euse, second by Kicak to approve claims & payroll for June 6, 2023 RCV: Yes: Approved 4-0
Claims Key: Contract Labor(CL), Electricity (E), Natural Gas (NG), Monthly Allotment (MA), Refuse (R), Fuel (F), Supplies (S) Publication (P), Telephone (T), Mile Reimbursement (MR), Labs (L), Attorney (A), Cellphone(CP), Postage(PO), Payroll Tax(PT), Simple IRA(SI), Dues(D), Payroll (PR) Education (EDU) Workman’s Comp Audit (W) Petty Cash Reimbursement(PR)
Claims: Elmwood Public Library(MA) 2,500 Core & Main(S) 217.23 Meeske Ace Hardware(S) 356.68 Menards(S) 12.77 L & K Electric(CL) 325 Cline Williams Wright Johnson & Oldfather(A) 174 Utility Service Co.(CL) 2,803.80 Midwest Lab(L) 646.87 Hughes Tree Service(CL) 2,500 WireBuilt(D) 58 Frontier Coop(F) 477.92 Kevin Huxhold(EDU) 16.64 Cass County Refuse(R) 75 Newman Signs(S) 435.92 Clements Insurance Agency(W)392 Village of Elmwood(PR) 24.14 TACSS(D) 340 IRS(PT) 4,265.94 NE Dept. of Revenue(PT) 1,863.37 American Funds(SI) 292.02 Intuit QuickBooks(D) 21 Solheim Law Firm(A) 1,657.5 LNM(EDU) 521 IIMC(EDU) 50 OPPD(E) 3,108.44 Windstream(T) 196.45 Black Hills Energy(NG) 293.57 U.S Postal Service(PO) 63 Salary(PR) 14,062.48
New Business
Discussion to the OPPD Government Affairs team – Dustin Marvel
Dustin introduced himself and he let the board know who the main contact is for each OPPD issue if one may arise. OPPD is expecting a large economic growth in 2027-2032
Discussion/Action Lots combined into one – 324 East D Street
Motion by Scott, second by Kicak to approve the 2 lots to be combined into one lot. RCV: YES: Approved 4-0
Discussion/Action 12th Annual Harvest Moon Hustle – Friday September 8,2023
Motion by Kicak, second by Euse Approved Harvest Moon Hustle for September 8,2023 RCV: YES: Approved 4-0
Discussion/Action Recommendation of Chris Scott to fill the vacancy spot on the Planning and Zoning board
Motion by Euse, second by Kicak to approve the recommendation of Chris Scott on Planning and Zoning board and fulfill Chase Hinzman’s term. RCV: YES: Approved 3-0 Abstained: Heather Scott
Discussion/Action Ordinance 2023-2 Addition of pool/spa fee on the Master Fee Schedule
Motion by Scott, second by Kicak to waive the 3 readings of Ordinance 2023-2 Master Fee Schedule
Euse read Ordinance 2023 – 2 Master Fee Schedule
Motion by Scott, second by Euse to approve Ordinance 2023-2 RCV: YES: Approved 4-0
Ordinance 2023-2 Master Fee Schedule is available in Pamphlet form at the Village Office during normal business hours
Discussion/Action E-M Back to school Fun Run August 14,2023 (5-8pm) at the park/trail
Motion by Scott, second by Kicak to approve the street closure of 5th between F & G for the school to host a Fun Run from the Park to the bike trail on August 14th, 2023 from 5-8pm. RCV: YES: Approved 4-0
Discussion/Action Roof Leak Bid at old village office
No Action – Future Agenda
Discussion/Action Filling pools while on water restrictions
Pools are already filled and we haven’t had a significant drop in our well levels. Water restrictions are working and helping us keep our water supply at a steady level. No Action taken at this time.
Discussion/Action Christensen Tree Bid – 221 North 3rd
Motion by Scott, second by Euse to approve bids from Christensen Tree Service for 221 N 3rd Street and 405 N 5th for a total of $2,010. RCV: YES: Approved 4-0
Discussion/Action Next step for Nuisance Violation Properties that haven’t been addressed in Elmwood
208 East D Street, 204 East D Street, 117 N 6th Street, 321 East D Street
Motion by Scott, second by Euse to move forward with getting these 4 properties inspected with Nebraska Code Consulting, Inc out of Firth. RCV: YES:
Approved 4-0
Unfinished Business
Reports/Boards, Commissions, and Committees
Library: Kicak made a motion, second by Scott to approve June 1,2023 Claims and Payroll. RCV: YES: Approved 4-0
Library Claims Key: Petty Cash Reimbursement (PR), New Books (NB), Supplies(S), Telephone(T), Natural Gas(NG), Electricity(E), Internet(I), Payroll Tax(PT),
Library Claims & Payroll: Anne Pope(S) 272.72 Elmwood Public Library(PR) 31.77 Amazon(NB)(S) 151.32 Windstream(T) 48.26 Black Hills Energy(NG) 81.51 OPPD(E) 75.02 Scott Bornemeier(I) 60.34 NE Dept. of Revenue (PT) 22.92 NE Dept. of Labor(PT) 2.59 United states Treasury(PT) 265.97 Staples(S) 178.85 Salary 1,113.48
Park: New mower is being serviced and repaired in Syracuse
Streets: Kevin changed out 4 faded Stop Signs in town.
Water: Frontier water meter has stopped working and the pit had to be changed out to fit the new water meter in. Anthony Kruger found his meter so Kevin will work with David Nuss to get that changed out.
Kevin will be getting bids to get the facia fixed that is falling off of the WTP.
Planning/Zoning: Next Meeting is June 12,2023 at 7:00pm
Public Comment: Ed Blunt 104 Railroad Ave- In reference to the frozen water meter that the board didn’t charge for I think the board needs to review the book because there were 2 other meters that froze over winter and those homeowners were charged for those frozen meters. In reference to Moriah’s review, she does a great job and deserves every bit of the 5% that the book says for a pay increase.
Correspondence: Jared received the notice of the sewer plant compliance. Marie Gregoire did an interview on the Pie Ride that is held here in Elmwood. United Methodist Church donated money to go towards the woodchips that we just installed in the park. Elmwood Cultural Arts Learning center will be one of the workshop hubs with the Nebraska Arts Council.
Personnel: Discussion/Action Moriah’s 3rd Annual Review
Motion by Scott, second by Kicak to go into closed session at 8:05pm to discuss Moriah’s 3rd Annual Review RCV: YES: Approved 4-0
Motion by Scott, second by Kicak to end closed session at 8:20pm. RCV: YES: Approved 4-0
Jared made a recommendation to give Moriah $1.00 raise
Motion by Scott, second by Kicak to give Moriah $1.00 raise that will be in effect this payroll cycle that started on Monday June 12, 2023. RCV: YES: Approved 4-0
Future Agenda:
Roof Leak Bid
Updated Pay Ordinance
Conditional Use Permit – 112 North 4th Street – Commercial zoned building to be occupied for living quarters on main street
Adjournment: 8:26pm