September 6,2023 – 7:00pm
Meeting Held at Elmwood Village Office
The Village Board of Trustees met in regular session on Wednesday, September 6, 2023. Vice Chair Renee Holland called the meeting to order at 7:00pm. Holland stated that a current copy of the Nebraska Open Meetings Act was posted.
Roll Call: Becky Kicak, Patric Euse, Heather Scott & Renee Holland
Minutes: Motion by Kicak, second by Euse to approve regular meeting minutes for August 2,2023. RCV: Yes: Approved 4-0
Claims and payroll: Motion by Scott, second by Euse to approve claims & payroll for September 4,5& 6,2023 RCV: Yes: Approved 4-0
Claims Key: Bond Debt(BD)Contract Labor(CL), Electricity (E), Education(ED)Natural Gas (NG), Monthly Allotment (MA), Refuse (R), Fuel (F), Supplies (S) Publication (P), Telephone (T), Mile Reimbursement (MR), Labs (L), Attorney (A), Cellphone(CP), Postage(PO), Payroll Tax(PT), Capital Improvement(CI), Simple IRA(SI), Dues(D), Payroll (PR) Education (EDU) Workman’s Comp Audit (W) Petty Cash Reimbursement(PR)
Claims: Elmwood Public Library(MA) 2,500 Village of Elmwood(PR) 25.12 One Call Concepts(CL) 25.90 Core & Main(S) 5,188.51 TACSS(CL) 170 Meeske Auto Parts(S) 7.15 Meeske Ace Hardware 35.35 OPPD(E) 3,663.44 Midwest Lab(L) 151.95 Hawkins(s) 1,418.54 Johnson Service Company(CL) 9,448.35 Frontier Coop(F) 558.55 Legendary Red Rooster(ED) $21.65 Michael Todd Industrial Supply(S) 321.89 Rice Auto Repair(CL) 730 Quill(S) 226.07 Verizon(CP) BOK Financial(BD) 72,061.25 MADS(CL) 250 Be Seen Signs(S) 48.91 Utility Service Co.(CL) 2.803.80 WireBuilt(CL) 29 Cass County Refuse(R) 75 NE Public Health Lab(CL) 99.75 IRS(PT) 2,899.36 NE Dept. of Revenue(PT) 2,928.32 American Funds(SI) 435.40 Intuit QuickBooks(D) 14 Solheim Law Firm(A) Moriah Lenz(TR) 760.02 Windstream(T) 196.70 Black Hills Energy(NG) 193 Salary(PR) 9,260.40
Park Account: Keep Cass County(D) 150 Joshua Hoyer (Musician) 1,250 Marie Gregorie (Supplies) 250.97 Oscar Rios Pohirieth(Musician) 1,400
New Business
Discussion/Action Village Board Recommendation for vacancy
Scott Recommended Tony Greise for the board Vacancy. Scott made a motion to appoint Tony Greise to fill the Vacancy term on the Village Board, second by Euse. RCV: YES Approved 4-0
Discussion/Action Re-Organization of the Village Board
Scott made a motion to appoint Holland to Chairperson, second by Euse. RCV: YES: Approved 3-0 Abstain – Holland
Holland made a motion to appoint Kicak Vice Chairperson, second by Euse. RCV: YES: Approved 3-0 Abstain- Kicak
Discussion/Action Fence Permit Approval Recommendation from P & Z – 312 West F Street
Moriah found an ordinance that pertains to the welded wire not being allowed in town. The Village Board told Doug that he will need to switch the fence out by 8/1/2024 due to the Ordinance that is in place since 2019. Doug stated that he had chain-link fence given to him and he will get the fence switched out well before 8/1/2024.
Discussion/Action Lot line moved – approval recommendation from P & Z- 104 N 6th Street – Betty Navrkal
Scott made a motion to approve the movement of the lot line application, second by Kicak. RCV: YES: Approved 4-0
Discussion/Action Ordinance 2023-5 – Master Fee Schedule – Included Water Fines
Scott made a motion to waive the 3 readings of Ordinance 2023-5, second by Euse. RCV: YES: Approved 4-0 Euse read Ordinance 2023-5. Scott made a motion to approve Ordinance 2023-5 with said correction to the approval date of today, second by Kicak. RCV: YES: Approved 4-0 (Available during regular business hours in pamphlet form)
Discussion/Action Park Improvements – Elmwood Community Association
ECA was approached by Kevin on getting help to install the spring toys in the park. ECA will help with installation of the spring toys.
Discussion/Action Replacing the light fixtures in the big awning that aren’t working
Scott made a motion for Kevin to purchase 3 $19.99 lights from Menards to replace the lights that are out in the big picnic awning, second by Kicak. RCV: YES: Approved 4-0
Discussion Notice of potential effects on historic properties for a new cell tower east of town
No Action taken
Discussion/Action Ordinance 2023-6 – Amending the board of adjustments from the zoning book
Scott made a motion to waive the 3 readings of Ordinance 2023-6, second by Euse. RCV: YES: Approved 4-0
Kicak read Ordinance 2023-6. Scott made a motion to approve Ordinance 2023-6 to amend the board of adjustments from the zoning book and appoint the village board as the board of adjustments, second by Euse RCV: YES: Approved 4-0 (Available during regular business hours in pamphlet form)
Discussion/Action approval to pay 2023-2024 Fiscal Year Rent in full for the Village Office
Kicak made a motion to approve paying the whole fiscal year rent of $1,800, second by Scott. RCV: YES: Approved 4-0
Discussion/Action Mary’s Tax Service – no longer doing payroll – New company Hamik Innovations
Motion by Scott to switch payroll over to Carol with Hamik Innovations as the designated payroll company, second by Euse. RCV: YES: Approved 4-0
Unfinished Business
Discussion/Action Crack sealing and pothole patching bids
Motion by Kicak to approve Everline for pothole patching and crack sealing and not to exceed $13,000, second by Scott.
Discussion/Action New tire Bids for the 2013 Village Pickup
Need more information on tire warranty
Reports/Boards, Commissions, and Committees
Library: Scott made a motion to approve August 7,2023 & September 5, 2023 claims & payroll, second by Euse. RCV: YES: Approved 4-0
Park: 12th Annual Harvest Moon Hustle September 8,2023
Water: Well Drawdowns are still staying consistent with no big fluctuations for the month of August. Ed reported that the water tower just had an inspection and passed.
Planning/Zoning: Next meeting September 20,2023 @ 7pm
Public Comment:
Linda Blunt – 104 Railroad Ave.
It would be nice to have more instructions on what planning and zoning should be doing. Errors are in the book after JEO just completed it and there isn’t anything to cross reference. Is anyone going to mow Jean Reinke’s properties that the harvest moon hustle route goes in front of because they are so overgrown?
Discussion/Action Temporary as needed position for Moriah to help transition the new clerk
Motion by Scott to keep Moriah hired temporarily to help get the new clerk trained, second by Euse. RCV: YES: Approved 4-0
Discussion/Action Hiring Clerk/Treasurer position
Scott made a motion to go into executive session due to the privacy of the people that applied for the Clerk position at 8:08pm, second by Kicak. RCV: YES: Approved 4-0
Motion by Scott to leave executive session at 8:32pm, second by Kicak. RCV: YES: Approved 4-0
Kicak made a motion to offer the clerk position to Alicia Greise at $23/hour, if Alicia declines the job offer then the board will offer the job to Lacy, Second by Scott. RCV: YES: Approved 4-0
Future Agenda:
Roof Leak Bid
Brush Site mulching bids
Budget Hearing (Sept. 27)
Budget Meeting(Sept. 27)
Oath of Office – Tony Greise (Oct. 4)
Additional requested information for Tire Bids
Adjournment: 8:46pm