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December 6,2023 – 7:00pm


Meeting Held at Elmwood Village Office

The Village Board of Trustees met in regular session on Wednesday, December 6, 2023. Chair Person Renee Holland called the meeting to order at 7:00pm. Holland stated that a current copy of the Nebraska Open Meetings Act was  posted.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         

Roll Call: Becky Kicak, Patric Euse, Tony Greise, Heather Scott & Renee Holland

Minutes: Motion by Scott, second by Kicak to approve regular meeting minutes for November 1,2023. RCV: Yes: Approved 5-0

Claims and payroll: Motion by Kicak to approve claims and payroll for November 2023 except for Topple Tree Service, second by Euse RCV: Yes: Approved 5-0                                                                                                                                                                                                                      

Claims Key: Bond Debt(BD)Contract Labor(CL), Electricity (E), Education(ED)Natural Gas (NG), Monthly Allotment (MA), Refuse (R), Fuel (F), Supplies (S) Publication (P), Telephone (T),  Mile Reimbursement (MR), Labs (L), Attorney (A), Cellphone(CP), Postage(PO), Payroll Tax(PT), Capital Improvement(CI), Simple IRA(SI), Dues(D), Payroll (PR) Education (EDU) Workman’s Comp Audit (W) Petty Cash Reimbursement(PR)

Claims: Salary: 9704.68 (PR), 2996.64(PT), 222.88(SI), Intuit: 14(D), NE Dept of Rev: 1075.50 (S&U Tax), TACSS: 180(D), Black Hills: 360.59(NG), PowerManager: 339.24(S), Randy Bornemeier: 1440(CL), NE DEE: 115(D), Aldrich Foundation: 25(D), EverLine: 12961(CL), NE Public Lab: 237(L), Verizon: 55.76(CP), Michael Todd: 245.17(S), Midwest Lab: 218.62(L), Wirebuilt: 111.70(D), Voice News: 219.33(P), CC Refuse: 155 (R), Menards: 6.88(S), CCEDC: 1000(D), Be Seen Signs: 150.50(S), Meeske: 18.17(S), Quill: 148.43(S), Windstream: 199.87(T), OPPD: 3344.71 (E ), Municipal Supply: 167.72(S), Utility Service: 2803.80(CL), Mike Krass: 3.99, Brian Blommer: 34.49, Andy Stander: 17.50, Vivian Jones: 5.36, Deanna Sporhase: 10.75(S-water reimbursement), EVFD: 317.70(S), Frontier: 448.99(F), Aerzen: 428.62(S), C-Store: 7.48(S), Midwest Valve: 260.72(S), Topple Tree: 27000(CL), Solheim Law: 1795.71(A), USPS: 204(PO)

New Business  

Discussion/Action Topple Tree Service:

Steve Greise present to discuss the brush pile. Mr. Greise explained the situation he found at the brush pile while working to remove the brush. Large trees were found inside the piles, covered in brush. One root ball was 7 feet wide and 7 feet tall. This was not what he was expecting. He notified Kevin and Renee as soon as he found these large trees. He was instructed by Renee to work at removing the brush up to the agreed upon bid. The bid was for 2 weeks and he worked into the third to get as much as he could removed. Kicak was concerned because the area is now unusable, and it is NRD property, and the bid stated that all debris would be hauled away, and she does not consider the job complete. Kicak also identifies a conflict of interest due to Mr. Greise being a board member’s brother. Discussion regarding the regulations surrounding this issue followed.  Discussion regarding the amount of work completed vs. remaining trees/brush continued. After much discussion Mr. Greise agreed to come back and move the remaining trees and brush over to the right side of the area to make it more accessible. Euse motioned to have Topple clean up the mess at the brush pile, give us a bid for what it would take to get the remaining trees out and to approve the Topple Tree Service Claim, Scott seconded. RCV: 3-1 Kicak- no, Greise obstained

Discussion/Action Lowell Bell 116 West G Street- complaint form

Mr. Bell states that there is a large tree near his property that is on Mr. Vogt’s property. Mr. Bell provided a letter from his attorney to Mr. Vogt regarding the tree in question. Mr. Bell also presented the village’s tree ordinance. Discussion continued. Holland states that this is a civil matter and suggested that a survey be completed to confirm whose property the tree is on and who is responsible for removing it. Mr. Bell stated that his property has been surveyed and the tree is not on his property. The village attorney was present and suggested that a letter could be sent from the village to Mr. Vogt regarding the care of this tree. Mrs. Vogt was present to discuss another matter and she stated that the tree will be taken care of. No action was taken.

Discussion/Action Sheryl Vogt 116 N 4th St. water shutoff split from 112 N 4th St

Gonzalo Romero present and states that 116 N 4th Street never had it’s own water shutoff. Shop of Little Shops is being sold and has to have it’s own shutoff. The shut offs are not clearly marked or are unavailable on the village maps. Kevin Huxhold has worked hard to figure out how to do this feasibly. Nebraska Digging provided Mrs. Vogt with a bid to tap into the main to provide water and shut off to her location including the cost for the services due by the village. Scott motioned to approve the village portion of $2,195 for materials, equipment and labor to tap water main and install curb stop for new water service at 116 N 4th Street, Euse seconded. RCV: 5-0 Approved: Yes

Discussion/Action Resolution #12062023 Year-End Certification of City Street Superintendent 2024

Euse read resolution 12062023 Certification of City Street Superintendent. Kicak motioned to approve resolution #12062023, seconded by Euse. RCV: 5-0 Approved: yes

Discussion/Action Updated fees for OPPD

Discussion regarding OPPD updating fees for streetlights in 2024. No action taken.

Discussion/Action Safety concern regarding finding building screws/materials on West C Street

Screws are being found regularly in the gravel on West C Street. Discussion by the board. Residents found and picked up multiple screws and nails several days in a row. Euse is concerned for people’s safety including dogs, kids, and people’s tires. There are currently no cameras in the area and no way to know who is putting the screws there. Greise suggested sending a flyer. Is there a citizen with a camera that we could use? The board will review at the next meeting. No action taken.

Unfinished Business  

Discussion/Action Cell phone tower permit application

Board has no concerns with the permit application. Scott motioned to approve the cell phone tower permit application, seconded by Euse. RCV: 5-0 Approved: yes

Discussion/Action Mary’s Tax Service continuing out payroll

Information only- Mary’s Tax Service will continue doing our payroll and payroll taxes

Discussion/Action membership renewal Cass County Nebraska Economic Development Council

Membership renewal. Scott motioned to approve membership renewal to the Cass County Nebraska Economic Development Council, seconded by Kicak. RCV: 5-0 Approved: yes

Discussion/Action Keep Cass County Beautiful- Recycle sign example and information

Scott motioned to approve the placement of recycle signs placed by KCCB if the village does not have to do anything to place or maintain them, seconded by Greise. RCV: 5-0 Approved: yes

Reports/Boards, Commissions, and Committees

Library: Kicak motioned to approve Library claims, bills & payroll for October & November 2023, seconded by Scott. RCV: 5-0 Approved: yes

Public Comment:

Sheryl Vogt – I don’t know why Mr. Bell came to the board. The tree will be taken care of. Mike and Lowell talked, and I thought it was going to come down today.

Anina Romshek 210 S 2nd Street: Are there businesses in town that sell firewood? They could come haul the trees out. The village could also host a slash/trash weekend. We have seen people from other counties dump in the brush pile. A slash/trash weekend could solve the problem.

Scott motioned to move into executive session to discuss Reinke nuisance properties at the recommendation of Jena Mahin from the village attorney’s office, seconded by Greise. RCV: 5-0 Approved: yes

Executive session began at 8:28 am

Kicak motioned to adjourn executive session and resume regular business at 9:07 pm, Euse seconded. RCV: 5-0 Approved: yes

Regular business resumed at 9:07 PM.

Discussion/Action Reinke nuisance properties

Scott motioned to get three (3) bids with itemization of the three properties for demolition of Reinke nuisance properties, Greise seconded. RCV: 5-0 Approved: yes

Park:  bathrooms have been winterized and are closed for the season

Streets: Spreader in truck. EverLine will fix any issues we report. Kevin is not happy with the outcome of EverLine’s services. Worried that the patches are going to break down and come up with the plow blade. The Board would like Greise to provide examples of contractor contracts that would show inclusions and exclusions for each contract.  

Water: Looking for more information from Cass County Rural Water

Sewer: concerns noted. Only one pump running at this time, one being worked on. Renee toured the facility in November to familiarize herself with the system. Greise suggested putting together an equipment list and maintenance schedule.

Planning/Zoning: Next meeting December 21st at 7 PM and January 11th at 7 PM at the village office.

Personnel:   Clerk will investigate the League of Municipalities Conference for training for the board. Kicak recommended the book Robert’s Rules.

Reorganization of the Board:


  1. Scott motioned to appoint Alicia Greise as the Village Clerk/Treasurer, Euse seconded. RCV: 5-0 Approved: yes
  2. Euse motioned to appoint Evan Wickersham from JEO Consulting Group, Inc. as the Village Street Superintendent, seconded by Greise. RCV: yes Approved 5-0
  3. Kicak motioned to appoint JEO as the village engineer. RCV: yes Approved 5-0
  4. Scott motioned to appoint Solheim as the village attorney. RCV: yes Approved 5-0
  5. Greise motioned to appoint Mike Jansen as the building inspector, seconded by Scott. RCV: yes Approved: 5-0
  6. Scott motioned to appoint Tony Greise as the Nuisance Officer, seconded by Kicak. RCV: yes Approved 5-0
  7. Scott motioned to appoint Becky Kicak as the Hearing Officer pursuant to Municipal code, seconded by Euse. RCV: yes Approved 5-0
  8. Greise motioned to appoint Patric Euse to the Village Health Board, seconded by Scott. RCV: yes Approved 5-0
  9. Appoint Commissioners
    1. Euse motioned to appoint Heather Scott as the Park Commissioner, seconded by Greise. RCV: yes, approved 5-0
    2. Greise motioned to appoint Patric Euse as the Street Commissioner, seconded by Kicak. RCV: yes, approved 5-0
    3. Euse motioned to appoint Tony Greise as the Water/Sewer Commissioner, seconded by Scott. RCV: yes, approved 5-0

Designated Bank: Scott motioned to designate American Exchange Bank as the Village depository, seconded by Euse. RCV: yes, approved 5-0

Designated Newspaper: Kicak motioned to designate The Voice News as the legal notice newspaper, seconded by Euse. RCV: yes, approved 5-0

Designated posting areas: Soctt motioned to designate the village office, the Elmwood Convenience store and the Elmwood Post office as the three places in which reasonable advanced notices will be published, seconded by Kicak. RCV: yes, approved 5-0

Future Agenda:

League of Municipalities Conference

3 bids for nuisance properties

Old village office roof leak

Clerk school for Alicia

Alicia Vacation- June 2024

Cass County Rural Water

Village Goals

Brush pile regulations

Contract templates

Christmas lights

Adjournment: 9:59pm

  12.6.23 Official Minutes                        




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