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February 7,2024 – 7:00pm


Meeting Held at Elmwood Village Office

The Village Board of Trustees met in regular session on Wednesday, February 7, 2024. Chair Person Renee Holland called the meeting to order at 7:00pm. Holland stated that a current copy of the Nebraska Open Meetings Act was posted.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         

Roll Call: Becky Kicak, Patric Euse, & Renee Holland. Tony Greise, Heather Scott absent

Minutes: Motion by Euse, second by Kicak to approve regular meeting minutes for January 2024. RCV: 3-0 Motion carried.

Claims and payroll: Motion by Kicak to approve claims and payroll for January 2024, second by Euse RCV: 3-0 Motion carried.

Claims Key: Bond Debt(BD)Contract Labor(CL), Electricity (E), Education(ED)Natural Gas (NG), Monthly Allotment (MA), Refuse (R), Fuel (F), Supplies (S) Publication (P), Telephone (T),  Mile Reimbursement (MR), Labs (L), Attorney (A), Cellphone(CP), Postage(PO), Payroll Tax(PT), Capital Improvement(CI), Simple IRA(SI), Dues(D), Payroll (PR) Education (EDU) Workman’s Comp Audit (W) Petty Cash Reimbursement(PR), Engineer (EN) , Sales Tax (ST), Truck Repair (TR), Dog License (DL), Street Surface Supplies (SSS)

Claims: One Call (D) 19.92, WireBuilt (D) 29, Village of Elmwood (PR) 9.55, Click2Mail (DL) 160.54, NE Dept of Rev (ST) 1058, Alicia Greise reimbursement (PO) 291, Michelle Holland reimburse (S) 29.74, Quill (S) 416.23, CC Refuse(R) 75, Cornhusker Press (DL) 93.87, Windstream (T) 199.59, NE Labs (L) 30, Solheim (A) 832.50, Midwest Lab (L) 136.20, Winwater (S) 139.82, Core & Main (S) 15.50, IIMC (D) 210, KCCB (D) 100, OPPD(E) 3723.84, Michael Todd (S) 96.39, Associated Fire (CL) 170, BH Energy (NG) 765.24, TACSS (D) 180, Elmwood Library (MA) 2833.33, US Post office (PO) 17.12, American Funds (SI) 446.10, IRS (PT) 5258.53, Intuit (D) 37.25, Payroll (PR) 15,165.96, Meeske (S) 71.02, Menards (S) 170.27, Vern Westover (SSS) 263.75, Frontier (F) 782.89, Kevin Huxhold reimbursement (S) 40

New Business

Discussion: Audit presentation by Michael Hoback here to present the 2022-2023 Audit performed by AMGL CPAs and Advisors. Data shared with the board regarding their audit findings. Information included debt comparisons, balance sheets, government expenses and activities. Reviewed revenue and expenses for water and sewer. Hoback noted not tracking inventory in the utility funds. Recommended a rate increase for both water and sewer to even out the deficit in both areas. Euse asked what percentage of increase would make sense in our current situation? Hoback stated to break even, a 46% increase in water and a 21% increase in sewer would be needed. Recommended staging the increase over the next couple of years. The clerk will work with him on how to do that. No action taken.

Discussion: Michaela Valentin here from OPPD- introduction and reminder of public affairs team. She is the Government & Community Relations Manager. Works primarily with local governments. Helps with emergencies, weather related outages, and crisis. Valentin stated that over the next 10 years OPPD will be working on adding an additional 2.5 GW in the system. Huxhold asked to be placed on a notification list if our grid goes down. Valentine collected Huxhold’s contact information and will be getting in contact with him. Explained to the community members and the board that if there is an outage everyone should call it in. OPPD does not know when a single house goes down without communication. No action taken.

Discussion: Rezone lot at 205 West C Street from residential to industrial – Blake Ulmer & Tracy Hespen here to discuss their plans. Ulmer states that he purchased the property from Monaghan and would like to have it rezoned to industrial so they can build a new shop there. It is across from their home. Gave Ulmer and Hespen a detailed list of events to rezone and instructed them to come to the next Planning and zoning meeting on March 11th. No action taken.

Discussion: Jim & Grace Ronhovde 120 S 2nd Street presented to the board with plans for their lots. They have worked with Huxhold to find out where the closest utilities are located. Ronhovde states that their builder wants them to nail down water and sewer before they start anything. They have had two sewer scopes, and both show no sewer hook ups on 2nd street or within 100 feet of the property line. One clean out is covered with asphalt. Ronhovde is proposing the village add a main up C Street 150 feet to be following the ordinance. The clerk has been in contact with the village engineer’s office and is getting more information. Tabled for next meeting. No action taken.

Discussion/Action Roof & Soffit bids for WTP & Old village office presented. Bids were provided by Lockman Enterprises, Romero’s Drywall and Construction and Gerken Jones Construction. Euse motioned to reach out to Romero’s Drywall & Construction for warranty options. Kicak seconded. RCV: 3-0 Motion carried.

Discussion Marie Gregoire present to discuss the Pie Ride and give dates for the summer of 2024. Gregoire volunteers for a lot of different organizations and is excited to continue the Pie Ride in Elmwood in 2024. In the 3rd year the Pie Ride was bringing in over 1200/night. It is a great thing for Elmwood. The objective is to create an outdoor recreation event for all people. They have received grants from the Nebraska Music Council and others. The projected dates are June 6th and 20th, July 3rd and 18th, and August 1st and 15th. Gregoire states that the NRD and JEO are working together to fill the gap between Wabash and South Bend. When completed, Gregoire states that Elmwood will be in the middle of a transcontinental bike trail. There is another new project called Trail Towns being promoted by Rails to Trails. There are lodging studies being done in the area. No action taken.

Discussion/Action: Monaghan outstanding balance is 624.72. The treasurer has not been able to get ahold of her but continues to reach out monthly. Kicak motioned to have Solheim write a letter giving them three months to pay the balance in full or the account will be sent to collections. Euse seconded. RCV: 3-0 Motion carried.

Discussion/Action: Rock alley at 209 E F Street. The board was present with three options. Kicak motioned to approved rocking the alley at 209 E F Street with the ¾ crusher run for $1,221, Euse seconded. RCV: 3-0 Motion carried.

Discussion/Action: Euse motioned to approve Huxhold attending the NDEE Wastewater Certification program on February 20-22 and $150 for the test. Kicak seconded the motion. RCV: 3-0 Motion carried. Kicak motioned to approve Huxhold attending the NERWA Annual Conference in Kearney on March 11-13 for $445 plus lodging and expenses. Euse seconded. RCV: 3-0 Motion carried.

Discussion/Action: Email from Madison Zoz at 421 W F Street. Zoz is requesting a refund for the balance paid by her landlord. She states that she can get state aid for the entire balance and requests that the village refund Mr. Bornemeier for the payment he made for a lien to not be placed on the property. There has been no correspondence from the State of Nebraska regarding payment toward this account. Euse motioned to not issue a refund. Kicak seconded. RCV: 3-0 Motion carried.

Discussion/Action Complaint 421 W F Street- form and pictures. Complaint form review by the board. Kicak motioned to contact the property owner (Chadd Bornemeier) to address the complaint. Euse seconded. RCV: 3-0 motion carried.

Unfinished Business  

Discussion: Schedule for rocking village alleys. More information is needed. Tabled.  

Reports/Boards, Commissions, and Committees

Library: Kicak motioned to approve Library claims, bills & payroll for January 2024, seconded by Euse. RCV: 3-0 motion carried.

Park: no update

Streets: Lots of plowing and rock spreading in the first 2 weeks of January. Plow on white truck is fixed (2 under warranty). 1st time- hoses were loose from factory, 2nd time- valves stuck open from factory. Bids received for new cutting blade on the white truck plow- will need for next season.

Water: well 6 was freezing up during the cold temperatures. Replaced heater in well 6 and put a new heater at well 5 to combat the cold. Will need to come up with a plan for the future.

Sewer: South clarifier is open and running. Installed ball valve on incoming south clarifier sewer line to backflush to unplug.

Planning/Zoning: Next meeting is March 11th at 7 PM. Kicak motioned to approve the nomination submitted by Planning & Zoning for the new committee member, Joe Jennings. Euse seconded. RCV: 3-0 motion carried.

Public Comment:

Karen Fleishman 525 W D Street. I provided information about a water table on the property. Lower Platt South NRD did the study. The well is still in Karen and Robert’s name even though Arlo bought the farm ground. It was grandfathered in. They went 12 feet and hit the aquifer and it is pure. Come in on west D street and go to the outskirts of pasture and there is a cattle fence and there is a road that will take you to the well. There is no pump. If you have questions call the man on the letter. Will sell the land to make a road to the well.

Correspondence: none

Personnel: Annual review- Kevin Huxhold, 90-day review- Alicia Greise

Executive session to conduct reviews: Euse motioned to move into executive session at 8:40 pm to conduct employee reviews. Kicak seconded. RCV: 3-0 motion carried.

Euse motioned to adjourn executive session and resume regular business at 8:53 pm, Kicak seconded. RCV: 3-0 motion carried

Future Agenda:

Individual contact options

Emailed delinquency notifications.

Warranty from Gonzalo Romero

Summer Help

Adjournment: 9:03 pm


2.7.24 Official Minutes 



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