July 11,2024 7:00 PM
Meeting Held at Elmwood Village Office
The Village Board of Trustees met in regular session on Thursday, July 11, 2024. Chair Person, Renee Holland, called the meeting to order at 7:00pm. Holland stated that a current copy of the Nebraska Open Meetings Act was posted.
Roll Call: Becky Kicak, Patric Euse, Tony Greise, Heather Scott & Renee Holland.
Consent agenda: Discussed OT hours for Huxhold and missed payment for special meeting for the board. Kicak motioned to approve the consent agenda with noted items, Greise seconded. RCV: 5 ayes
Claims Key: Bond Debt(BD)Contract Labor(CL), Electricity (E), Education(ED)Natural Gas (NG), Monthly Allotment (MA), Refuse (R), Fuel (F), Supplies (S) Publication (P), Telephone (T), Mile Reimbursement (MR), Labs (L), Attorney (A), Cellphone(CP), Postage(PO), Payroll Tax(PT), Capital Improvement(CI), Simple IRA(SI), Dues(D), Payroll (PR) Education (EDU) Workman’s Comp Audit (W) Petty Cash Reimbursement(PR), Engineer (EN) , Sales Tax (ST), Truck Repair (TR), Dog License (DL), Street Surface Supplies (SSS), Tech. Repair (TR) Tech. purchase (TP), Debt Service (DS)
Claims: Jack Rodenburg 800, NE Dept of Rev. (ST) 1074.21, IRS (PT) 1762.86, NE Dept of Rev. (PT)240.81, American Fund (SI) 257.92, Intuit (D) 44, Payroll (PR) 6905.09, Library (MA) 2833.33, Core & Main (S) 114.74, Black Hills (NG) 203.73, USABlueBook (S) 145.05, USPS (PO) 469, TACSS (D) 180, J.Clark (CL) 150, WinWater (S) 552.93, Solheim (A) 1230, One Call (D) 15.54, Capital City(R ) 1870.76, NE Generator (CL) 492.25, Romero’s Drywall (CL) 900, Frontier (F) 510.74, Layne (CL) 1471.96, Mun. Supply (S) 89.32, CC Refuse (R ) 155, OPPD (E ) 3469.98, JEO (EN) 3000, Winstream (T) 199.15, Verizon (CP) 55.63, PeopleService (CL) 650, Spickelmeier (CL) 2187.50, Mary’s Tax Service (D) 525, Tan-Aire (CL) 3150, NE Lab (L) 47, Vern Westover (SSS) 1658.91, Midwest (L) 897.20, Wirebuilt (D) 114, Meeske’s (S) 291.32
New Business
Discussion/Action Sample letters for Vacant Property Program
The board discussed the provided letters and the need for this program. Scott suggested adding a line that states that any and all seemingly vacant properties will be receiving this letter. To also add “business days” to the deadline for appeal in the letter. Adjustments will be made. Tabled for next meeting.
Discussion/Action Sewer Main repair at 6th & E
Huxhold explained the situation at the sewer back up on 6th & E. Two companies had to come out to try to fix it. After the blockage was cleared they were able to see that part of the pipe had broken and needs to be replaced with a sleeve. Scott motioned to approve the bid from Point Repair of Lincoln for $4,150, Euse seconded. RCV: 5-0 ayes Motion carried.
Discussion/Action Kevin attending NeRWA Trench and Confined Space Safety Class on 8/7 & 8/8
Kicak motioned to approve Kevin’s attendance to the class on 8/7 & 8/8 and the cost of $320 for both days, plus travel and food reimbursement. Greise seconded. RCV: 5-0 ayes, motion carried.
Discussion/Action Rocking the alley behind the Elmwood Meat locker
Huxhold reviewed the condition of the area where the water main was repaired a couple of years ago. The rain has washed out the area and it is flooding a neighbors garage. The board discussed the drainage issues regarding this alley and asked the clerk to look into adding it to the 1- & 6-year plan. Scott motioned to approve the bid from Ulmer Construction for $205, asphalt millings. Euse seconded. RCV: 5-0 ayes, motion carried.
Discussion/Action Van De Walker building permit
The board discussed the building permit. This has not been to the planning committee. The board has no questions regarding the permit. Forward to P&Z.
Discussion/Action Spellman fence permit
The board reviewed the fence permit application. Euse motioned to approve the addition to their existing fence, Kicak seconded the motion. RCV: 5-0 ayes, motion carried.
Discussion/Action Review JEO progress
Alicia and Kevin have spent a lot of time working with JEO to get them everything they need for the water study. There are still issues with the RO system after we installed the new membranes. The top 2 rows need replaced again. Sarah from JEO explained that the anti-scalant that the village has been using needs a clean in place system and ours is not connected or in working order. They will work with consolidated to find a different anti-scalant. The fact that our RO system is missing the clean in place system is making it very difficult for the membranes to stay clean and clear of debris, and the reject waste settings were incorrect. Made adjustments on that as well. JEO and consolidated are hoping that these adjustments can get us through until the water study is completed and we can move forward. Consolidated sent over options for replacement, including using refurbished membranes, new membranes and having our current ones removed and cleaned. The board discussed these options at length. The JEO discussion continued regarding a General Agreement with JEO for the time being spent on funding with ARPA. It has exceeded the scope of the water study and they would like the village to approve the general agreement not to exceed $3000 in total. Scott motioned to approve the purchase of 16 refurbished RO membranes, have our current 16 membranes cleaned, service & travel, not to exceed $9000, Euse seconded. RCV: 5-0 ayes, motion carried. Scott motioned to approve the General agreement with JEO not to exceed $3000, Euse seconded. RCV: 5-0 ayes, motion carried.
Discussion/Action Review Ordinance 2023-3 Employee Wages & Stipend- update
The board reviewed 2023’s wage ordinance. Euse motioned to update the clerk/treasurer range from $19-26 to $20-30, utilities supervisor range from $20-26 to $20-30, remove relief supervisor, increase seasonal from $10-20 to $15-25 and remove water/sewer operator. Kicak seconded the motion. RCV: 5-0 ayes, motion carried.
Reports/Boards, Commissions, and Committees
Library: next meeting on August 5th, summer reading started July 11th. Kevin replaced light bulbs
Park: drinking fountain has been fixed, Pie Ride on 7/11- David Marsh. Kicak suggested looking at an online auction site called Purple Wave for new picnic benches, etc.
Streets: brush pile needs attention again. Kevin has been trimming overhanging branches around town. Huxhold will be filling pot holes as he finds them
Water: watermain leak still a work in progress, Mike Stansell out to exercise valves- he did 18 the day he was here. This needs to be done every year.
Sewer: sewer pump and motor have shipped, will hopefully be installed in the next 2 weeks.
Planning/Zoning: Next meeting is 6/28 at 5 PM
Public Comment:
Bill Connour 135 N 4th Street: I have comments on the vacant property ordinance. I suggest sending a certified letter so you can know when they receive the letter. Behind the meat plant has always run in front of the post office and it stinks. When they pick up the hides they come out of the alley in front of Becky’s house. There are bloodborne pathogens spilling everywhere. They need to have a screen or something to prevent this. The owner mowed the other day, but he needs to take care of the weeds in the sidewalk out front too. Up in the new addition- when is the owner going to mow the vacant lot with 4-foot weeds?
Correspondence: thank you from the Elmwood Christian Church- free slice of pie at the pie ride
Personnel: Holland thanks Alicia & Kevin for working hard and keeping JEO updated on all of the happenings at the water plant.
Future Agenda
Street bid- hole south of town
Ronhovde Sewer hook up
1 & 6 Year Plan
Brush pile- chipper
Purple Wave- online auction
Adjournment: 8:29 pm
7.11.24 Official Meeting Minutes