August 7,2024 7:00 PM
Meeting Held at Elmwood Village Office
The Village Board of Trustees met in regular session on Wednesday August 6, 2024. Chair Person, Renee Holland, called the meeting to order at 7:00pm. Holland stated that a current copy of the Nebraska Open Meetings Act was posted.
Roll Call: Becky Kicak, Patric Euse, Tony Greise, Heather Scott & Renee Holland.
Consent agenda: Euse motioned to approve consent agenda items, Kicak seconded. RCV: 5-0 ayes Motion carried
Claims Key: Bond Debt(BD)Contract Labor(CL), Electricity (E), Education(ED)Natural Gas (NG), Monthly Allotment (MA), Refuse (R), Fuel (F), Supplies (S) Publication (P), Telephone (T), Mile Reimbursement (MR), Labs (L), Attorney (A), Cellphone(CP), Postage(PO), Payroll Tax(PT), Capital Improvement(CI), Simple IRA(SI), Dues(D), Payroll (PR) Education (EDU) Workman’s Comp Audit (W) Petty Cash Reimbursement(PR), Engineer (EN) , Sales Tax (ST), Truck Repair (TR), Dog License (DL), Street Surface Supplies (SSS), Tech. Repair (TR) Tech. purchase (TP), Debt Service (DS)
Claims: NE Dept of Rev (ST) 1080.35, American Funds (SI) 243.06, IRS (PT) 1880.68, NE Dept of Rev (PT)290.89, Intuit (D) 24, Payroll (PR) 6334.06, OPPD (E) 3959.18, TACSS (D) 180, BH Energy (NG) 202.5, NeRWA (ED) 320, WinWater (S) 14.77, Verizon (CP) 111.30, Core & Main (S) 95.50, NeRWA (CL) 180, Voice News (P) 120.30, Topple (CL) 4200, HOA (CL) 616.75, PeopleService (CL) 650, NE Lab (L) 15, Winstream (T) 199.01, Elmwood Library (MA) 2833.33, Solheim (A) 750, NMCA (D) 50, Meeske (S) 120.72, Municipal Supply (S) 69.21, LONM (D) 2778, Quill (S) 69.76, JEO (EN) 6000, Frontier (F) 217.57, Midwest Lab (L) 257.37, Justin Petersen (CL) 318.75
New Business
Discussion/Action Grant funding proposal- scratched from agenda
Speaker notified that she did not have the necessary information within the 24 hour editing restrictions.
Discussion/Action Bid for Ronhovde sewer line
Kicak motioned to approve the sewer hook up bid from Patriot Plumbing up to $3000, Scott seconded the motion. RCV: 5-0 ayes Motion carried
Discussion/Action Bids for sink hole on 4th
The board discussed the sink hole situation and reviewed the bids. Euse motioned to approve Ethan Homan Construction’s bid for $1050, Greise seconded. RCV: 5-0 ayes, Motion carried
Discussion/Action Elmwood Public Library 24-25 Budget Proposal
Alicia read the letter from the village librarian. The board discussed the requested 3% increase. Kicak motioned to approve the proposed 24-25 budget for the library and the increase to $35,000, Scott seconded the motion. RCV: 5-0 ayes, motion carried
Discussion/Action Wage Ordinance 2024-2
Scott motioned to wave the three readings, Kicak seconded. RCV: 5-0 ayes. Motion carried. Euse read the ordinance reflecting the changes to the wages. Scott motioned to approve Ordinance 2024-2, Euse seconded. RCV: 5-0 ayes, motion carried.
Discussion/Action Review of 1 & 6 Year Plan
The board reviewed the current 1 & 6 year plan. JEO included the alley behind the meat plant to our 1 year plan. The board would like to add paving B Street between 1st & 2nd as well. The clerk will contact JEO to have them add that to the plan. This will be approved at the public hearing on 9/4/24. Tabled for next meeting.
Reports/Boards, Commissions, and Committees
Park: wood shavings are needed at the park and the mini park. Large tree down on the south east corner of the park. We need to set the bench we received from KCCB and the spring toys.
Streets: tree needs to be removed at 3rd & D, and 124 East C Street- working on getting bids for this and the tree in the park. Asphalt placed in alley behind meat plant.
Water: installed new membranes, water leak at 4th and B- repaired. Meeting with JEO regarding water study will be scheduled this next month.
Sewer: plant was upset due to the storm and power outage- has since calmed down
Planning/Zoning: Next meeting is 8/25 at 5 PM
Public Comment:
Bill Connour 135 N 4th Street: Is drainage incorporated in fixing the alley behind the meat locker? Is the village insured for power surges? The corner of 5th & F, Mr. Bivens, has a trailer parked on F Street and another on 5th. The truck is full of tree limbs and is right by the Aldrich house. The Aldrich house brings a lot of people into town and it isn’t a good look. There is also a truck parked with Colorado plates on East D Street that hasn’t moved in a long time.
Euse relayed a concern that he received from a citizen regarding the trees along F Street between 1st & 4th hanging over the road and hindering the bus drivers vision.
Holland read a letter the village received from Ben Wessling from Elmwood Meat Plant with an update on his plans and the future.
Personnel: none
Future Agenda
Brush pile- bids/chipper
Bids for tree removal
Adjournment: 8:01 pm