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September 4 ,2024 Following Public Hearing


Meeting Held at Elmwood Village Office

The Village Board of Trustees met in regular session on Wednesday August 7, 2024. Chair Person, Renee Holland, called the meeting to order at 6:39 pm. Holland stated that a current copy of the Nebraska Open Meetings Act was posted.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         

Roll Call: Becky Kicak, Patric Euse, Tony Greise, Heather Scott & Renee Holland.

Consent agenda: Scott motioned to approve the consent agenda, Euse seconded the motion. RCV: 5-0 ayes Motion carried

Claims Key: Bond Debt(BD)Contract Labor(CL), Electricity (E), Education(ED)Natural Gas (NG), Monthly Allotment (MA), Refuse (R), Fuel (F), Supplies (S) Publication (P), Telephone (T),  Mile Reimbursement (MR), Labs (L), Attorney (A), Cellphone(CP), Postage(PO), Payroll Tax(PT), Capital Improvement(CI), Simple IRA(SI), Dues(D), Payroll (PR) Education (EDU) Workman’s Comp Audit (W) Petty Cash Reimbursement(PR), Engineer (EN) , Sales Tax (ST), Truck Repair (TR), Dog License (DL), Street Surface Supplies (SSS), Tech. Repair (TR) Tech. purchase (TP), Debt Service (DS)

Claims: American Funds (SI) 261.36, IRS (PT)2021.06, NE Dept of Rev (PT)319.30, NE Dept of Rev(ST)1097.84, Intuit(D)24, Payroll(PR) 6760.32, PeopleService(CL)650, NE Lab (L) 15, Mick’s(TR)4.21, Quill (S) 45.99, Utility Service(CI)2803.80, USABlueBook (S) 1237.70, Core&Main(S) 1647, Verizon(CP)53.67, WireBuilt (D)29, Lincoln Rad 36, Municipal Supply (S) 963.75, NE Digging (CL)3620.00, West-E-Con (CL)1046.20, Kevin Huxhold (F) 242.51, Nicholas Goudie (F) 33.72, Office Depot (S) 115.82, EM Public Schools (F) 720, Black Hills (NG)200.45, OPPD(E) 4045.88, Windstream(T) 199.12, Clements(W) 1612, BOK (DS) 76873.75, CWS(S & CL)8780, USPS (P) 314, TACSS (D)180, Frontier (F) 50.58, Meeske (S)194.20

New Business

Discussion/Action Conditional use permit application- 388 N 2nd Street- Duplex

The board discussed the application that came with a positive recommendation from the planning and zoning committee. Discussed utilities hook up. Kicak motioned to approve the conditional use permit application for a duplex in R1 zone with no need to renew annually, Euse seconded. RCV: 5-0 ayes Motion carried

Discussion/Action Bid for Evaluation of wells with Layne’s Brad Harris

Harris presented to discuss the sand that was found in the pre-filters. Huxhold and Harris did bucket testing on each of the wells. Well 5 had no sand while wells 3 & 6 did bull some sand on the bucket test. There is only a certain amount allowed by the state. Harris continued by explaining the possible causes of this including structural failure, well screens being plugged, and when a well is hard stopped/restarted. Euse asked about how often wells should be cleaned. Harris explained that it is difference everywhere depending on water quality and in our case we have decent water quality and don’t need to clean the wells very often. Harris explained the bid and what the tests will tell us. Greise motioned to approved the bid for $2,100 to evaluate all three wells to find out which one is pulling sand, Scott seconded the motion. RCV: 5-0 ayes motion carried

Discussion/Action Complaint form- Corner of 5th & F Street

Board discussion and reviewed village ordinances. There is no ordinance that dictates how long a vehicle can be parked. The board would like to send home owner a letter to see if he has another location he can park his trailer.

Discussion/Action Complaint form- 116 East D Street- 2 trucks parked for a long time

Board discussion. Both trucks have expired registration tags. Clerk to send a certified letter with ordinance attached. Scott motioned to send a certified letter to property owner, Euse seconded the motion. RCV: 5-0 ayes motion carried

Discussion/Action Complaint form- 317 West D Street- Fireworks

Board discussed and reviewed village and state ordinances. The village does not have any ordinance against or regarding the discharging of fireworks. No action taken.

Discussion Nuisance letters- 217 S 4th Street & 204 N 1st Street – lawn and weeds

Clerk wanted board approval for the letters to be send to the homeowners. Letter to be sent next day.

Discussion/Action Amend the 2023-2024 Budget

Greise motioned to amend the 2023-2024 Budget; Kicak seconded the motion. RCV: 5-0 ayes, motion carried

Discussion/Action 1% increase in the 2024-2025 Restricted Funds Authority

Scott motioned to increase the 24-25 restricted funds authority by 1%, Euse seconded the motion. RCV: 5-0 ayes, motion carried

Discussion/Action Approval of the 2024-2025 Budget

Kicak motioned to approve the 2024-2025 Budget; Greise seconded the motion. RCV: 5-0 ayes, motion carried.

Discussion/Action Resolution 09042024-1 – Adopting the 1 & 6 Year Plan

Kicak read resolution 09042024-1 aloud. Kicak motioned to approve resolution, Greise seconded. RCV: 5-0 ayes, motion carried.

Discussion/Action Resolution 09042024-2 – Setting the Property Tax Request

Euse read resolution 09042024-2 aloud. Euse motioned to approve the resolution setting the property tax request, Greise seconded the motion. RCV: 5-0 ayes, motion carried.

Discussion/Action Resolution 09042024-3 – Signing of the Municipal Annual Certification of Program Compliance 2024

Greise read resolution 09042024-3 aloud. Greise motioned to approve resolution, Kicak seconded the motion. RCV: 5-0 ayes, motion carried.

Discussion/Action Ordinance 2024-4 Update Master Fee Schedule

Scott read the first paragraph of the ordinance aloud. Scott motioned to wave the 3 readings, Greise seconded. RCV: 5-0 ayes, motion carried. The board discussed the changes made to the ordinance regarding water/sewer rates. Euse motioned to approve ordinance 2024-4, Greise seconded. RCV: 5-0 ayes, motion carried.

Discussion/Action Approval to pay 2024-2025 Fiscal Year Rent in full for the village office

Kicak motioned to approve paying 2024-2025 rent in full in the amount of $1800, Euse seconded. RCV: 5-0 ayes, motion carried.

Discussion/Action Bids for purchasing a new metal detector for locates

The board reviewed and discussed the options with Huxhold. Scott motioned to approve bid from Municipal Supply for $1995, Euse seconded the motion. RCV: 5-0 ayes, motion carried.

Discussion/Action Bid for exercising valves at the WWTP

Huxhold explained that the valves need to be exercised every year to aid in the back-flushing of pumps. Greise motioned to approve the bid from HTM Sales for 1078.75, Kicak seconded the motion. RCV: 5-0 ayes, motion carried.

Reports/Boards, Commissions, and Committees

Library: Kevin replaced several light bulbs at the library but thinks that the bulb ballasts may be going bad and will need to be replaced. Next meeting on Tuesday, October 1st.

Park: Harvest moon Hustle on September 13th. Still waiting on a 3rd bid for removal of the tree down on the south-east corner.

Streets: 2nd & C is now open

Water: 70% meeting with JEO on 8/28- lots of information, they are still finishing the report and will have more information for us at our next meeting. One of the wells is pulling sand- Layne will evaluate each well. Water leak at 4th & A. Huxhold worked with MAPS on Lead/Copper inventory map.  

Sewer: sewer pump installed, Ronhovde new build is hooked up and they found and uncovered the old clean out

Planning/Zoning: Next meeting is 9/29 at 5 PM

Public Comment: none

Correspondence: none


Alicia’s 1 year review to be held at next meeting

Future Agenda

Brush pile- bids/chipper

Bids for tree removal

Time limit for parked vehicles

Necessity of 3 bids- time frame

Adjournment: 7:52 PM







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