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Made possible in part by Community Sustaining Sponsor

  Library Update School Info Village Office  Cass County News 

 Mandatory Water Restrictions for residents that reside in Elmwood Village limits. Effective Immediately!

Odd addresses can water Monday & Thursday Even addresses can water Tuesday & Friday

If you are caught watering on a day that isn't your specified day you will be fined $50 for breaking the mandatory water restrictions. This will be in effect until further notice. 

ElmwoodNE Community Center

Elmwood Community Center 112022

Elmwood Community Center 112022b

Veterans Day Museum open 2022

 EMKnights Banner

 Need a new door sign? How about a Christmas gift idea? Or maybe just want one because they are ADORABLE!

Help Us Fundraise For Post Prom This Year By Purchasing One Of These Amazing Door Signs! All orders will be available for shipping or pick up by Dec 21st.

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One Act Play 

The Elmwood-Murdock One-Act team is in full swing with its competition season. This year, the team is performing “The Birch Moon” which is an original story written by Mark Hogue Jr., Marcus Manley, and Keri Hogue. There are 56 Junior High and High School students involved this year.

The team had their first competition this last weekend and received 2nd place at Norfolk! They also received the Best Tech Award out of all the competing schools! 14 individual acting awards were given, and it was just a great day of experiencing and supporting other schools involved in the performing arts!!! Individual acting awards were given to: Averi H., Macy H., Ava H., Sara K., Nolan S., Grace G., Bri R., Wyatt B., Lily P., Haylee J., Hanna J., Mia R., Madie J., and Rylie G.

There are more opportunities to watch the teams at competitions!

Friday, November 11th at York High School at 6:00pm

Saturday, November 12th at Aquinas High School at 2:15pm

Tuesday, November 15th at Palmyra High School at 10:30am

Public Performances on November 19th! 3:30pm matinee (Free Will Donation) and a 6:30pm dinner theater (Reservations Only). There are only a few reservations left, so contact the school if you’re interested in getting tickets! The school’s number is: 402-867-2341

Wednesday, November 30th at Lourdes Catholic High School in Nebraska City at 2:45pm

It is always a great day to be an E-M One-Act Knight!

One Act Fundraiser

Saturday November 19, 2022

Matinee 3:30 pm 

Dinner and Show 6:30 pm 

Reservations required by Nov 11th

Birch Moon Image Final

*The 3:30 Matinee is Open to the Public and there will be a Free Will Offering. We are asking that you exit the gym as soon as the performance is over so that we can prepare for the second show. You may visit our commons area if you would like.

*The 6:30 Dinner and Show is by Reservation only. Reservations must be made by Nov. 11 and we are asking that you prepay before the day of the show to the High School Office. Prepaying allows us to get people seated more quickly upon arrival.

*You can make reservations one of three ways. Call Michelle Meyer at the High School 402-867-2341 or text her personal cell 402-310-9222 or you can send an email to A confirmation email will be sent when we process your request for reservations.

*The dinner will be Roasted Beef Medallions, Mashed Potatoes, and Gravy, Green Beans, and Roll that is catered by Round The Bend. Dessert is being provided by Cupcakes and More by Becky.

EMSchoolWebsite 2018


American Underdog Flyer

2022 Holiday Extravaganza Flyer 11.4.22 CORRECTED COPY

Ad for Elmwood Newsletter to like page 1

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Elmwood Rescue Squad Recruiting

We are actively recruiting individuals to join our active EMS department! Requirements to Join? 18 years or older and live within the Elmwood Rescue District (photo attached).
We are hosting an EMT class coming up in January right here at the Elmwood Fire Station.

elmwood ems poster

Flyer is attached below for the details.
We offer a ride-along program. This allows you to ride along with the ambulance to see what we do as EMS professionals.

We also provide tuition reimbursement after completion of the EMT class and once you get your state EMT license.
If you have any questions, please reach out to us!

Below is the service area for the Elmwood Rescue 

Elmwood EMS poster
**This EMT class is open to anyone who wants to obtain their EMT**

Col. Tom Brewer and Noah Philson - 2022 Mission  to Ukraine

The fall mission to Ukraine may be ending soon, but the impact will be forever lasting. 

Latest news and press releases. 

Nov 4, 2022 - Brewer helping Ukrainians prepare for winter - Daily Record  November 3, 2022
Nebraska State Senator Returns To Ukraine To Deliver Bibles, Stove, Food — And Message Of Support

 During the summer of 2022, The Philson family from  Elmwood helped Tom connect with a translator and local driver. Noah Philsonwas already in Ukraine and took the responsibility of logistics, housing, supplies, and food. This allowed Col. Brewer to concentrate on the mission of meeting with government officials, hospitals, and organizations. It was a mission of information, to learn what the people of Ukraine needed and how could the people of the United States help the most. 

State Sen. Tom Brewer returns from Ukraine - WOWT Channel 6

State Sen. Tom Brewer in Ukraine - News Channel 7

Brewer: Why I went to Ukraine- The North Platte Telegraph 


 Nebraska Sen. Brewer headed back to Ukraine, this time to take Bibles, evacuate elderly- Nebraska Examiner

Humanitarian mission taking Nebraska senator back to Ukraine - KETV Channel 7

Back to Ukraine: Nebraska senator to evacuate civilians, lend aid - WOWT Channel 6

Col. Brew Explains Why he's going back to Ukraine - KFAB iHeart Radio

Nebraska senator returning to Ukraine on humanitarian 

Bess Streeter Aldrich House

204 East F Street.

LAST WEEKEND for the Quilt Show

1:00 to 4:00 pm  Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday, and Sunday Through October 

The Stitch-in-Time Quilt Show at the Bess Streeter Aldrich Housestitchintime



Office Space for Rent September 2022


 Elmwood Library Working to Improve Access

The library received another generous donation from the Elmwood Community Association!

This organization works to improve the community and include everyone in fun local family events. The ECA is always seeking new members, so be sure to inquire about helping out!

A generous donation from American Exchange Bank and also received a $3,000 grant from

Midlands Community Foundation. We hope that the project will be completed before the snow flies!

The Elmwood Library has identified a need in the community and is working to fulfill it. With an increased number of patrons in the community with mobility issues, the library board has decided to install an automated handicap door. Library Director Anne Pope said, “Currently if someone needs assistance to get into the library, they have to get the attention of a staff member to help hold the door. If we’re working in the back, or helping someone on a computer, employees might not immediately see that person needing help at the entrance. It makes us feel terrible to think that those persons have just as much right to utilize public space, but are dependent upon us to do so.”

“The monetary gifts that we’ve received so far were completely unsolicited,” said Mrs. Pope. “These groups heard we were working to make their library more accessible to people who have special needs. They came up to me and asked, ‘How can we help?’ It’s been amazing!”

If you or your organization would like to contribute to the project, the Elmwood Public Library is accepting donations. They can be reached at 402-994-4125 or by email at They the new doors can be installed this fall.


CC139014A9AB480CB32B53C2E559B1F0 Elmwood Library Hours

Monday:  3:00 pm to 8:00 pm
Tuesday:  2:00 pm to 6:00 pm
Wednesday:  2:00 pm to 6:00 pm
Thursday:  10:00 am to 2:00 pm
Saturday:  10:00 am to 2:00 pm

Easy Library Links

Online Card Catalog 

Libby Library App  

Send your updates, announcements, and photos of the events, at  

   Don't forget to send me your news 

There are things happening. Who is in the news, who is making the news? This is what I need for the upcoming year

SEND NEWS and PHOTOS to      

Living Nativity 2022 copy

Living Nativity 2022

Baby Jesus in the Manger with kitten

Kitten and manger: Baby Jesus shares his manger with the barn kittens at The Living Nativity

Donkeys: Molly, Ally and Lizzy Lu are always ready to see you at The Living Nativity

  Elmwood Nebraska Bike Share

The Bike Share program has started back up again.

Anyone wanting to borrow a bike can sign one out during Bits and Pieces business hours. 

Bike Share 2022 Elmwood Christian Church

Sunday School 9:00 am September-May

Morning Worship 10:00 am

Live on Elmwood Christian Church Facebook Page.

Pastor: Mark L. Sewell

Elmwood eduation center Bricksm

Village Updates

Elmwood Board offic 2021

 Village Board Meeting

Board meetings are open to the public and are held every 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month.

The meetings are held at the new Village Board office located at the Learning Center on the south side of town. 

Official agendas are posted the day before at the Post Office, Gas Station, and Village Office. Prior to the posting of the agenda, meeting items can be added to the meeting. At the end of each meeting is a Public Comment Section. Attendees have three minutes to speak about anything at this time. Further discussion on the topic can then be added to the next board meeting.  

The agenda is posted at the Elmwood C-Store, the post office, and the Village office.

Minutes can be viewed at the Village office or can be found online.

Village board office shot


Wouldn't it be amazing if the board meetings were FULL every time? This is your opportunity to be involved, be "in the know" and learn how to influence how your community grows, how improvements can be made, and how you can participate in the steps needed to MAKE IT HAPPEN.

Village Office Hours

Monday - Thursday

8 am - 12:00 pm

1:00 pm  - 4:00 pm

Friday CLOSED 

Take It Or Leave It Pantry

The free pantry is here to serve our community. It is for neighbors helping neighbors. Take what you need or leave what you can.

Elmwood Food Box

Elmwood #LittleFreePantry

The Little Free Pantry is located between Hufstader Chiropractor, the Elmwood Meat Market, and the Village Hall.  

Food Bank 2022


Did you know that the initial concept of this online town newsletter more than 20 years ago was supposed to be based around READER SUBMISSIONS!
Yup, that's right. Back then it was harder to send in news. NOW, you can just email news and photos to It's that simple. 
Remember not everyone has Facebook. Really they don't. ...AND Facebook doesn't show all the content from community groups. 
By subscribing on your phone you will receive a TEXT every Wednesday and an easy-to-access link. 
Elmwood Nebraska TextSubscribe
 So make sure to submit your news to for added exposure for your event or activity.
Many rely on the weekly Wednesday text message that links directly to the website. 
Since our Elmwood website is updated on a weekly basis GOOGLE and visited by 100s of people per week,  search engines rank this site number ONE on Google. Normally Wikipedia, map-quest, or city-data comes up first. 

StPaulMethodistChurch Elmwood copy

Online services are available on their Facebook page.

Sonshine daycare


400 West G Street, Elmwood, NE  68349

Pastor Michelle Chesnut

Cell Phone 402-314-7988  Church Phone: 402-994-6735 Daycare phone is 402-994-2384.

E-mail:  Website: 



We are currently serving hard ice cream in dishes.
we have 8 different flavors to choose from.

Elmwood C Store

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Area News      

babysittingtraining 2022

Colorful Strokes Employee of the Month Certificate 8 3

SOTQ 11092022 


2022 11 02 UN Amer Legion Vets Dinner

2022 10 26 MFF Pancake Feed Flyer UPDATE 1

 LCC help wanted

 Louisville Food Pantry

OPEN: every Thursday, 6:00-7:00 pm
LOCATION: 304 Main Street, Louisville

Please come and pick up what you need for your household or a friend’s.
We have canned goods, boxed meals, breakfast items, frozen meats, bread, eggs, baking ingredients, cleaning supplies, personal care items, diapers, and wipes


TEAM quit info

  masonic 10112022

GP imp111922

View inventory >>

   Support Our Neighbors

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Community Sustaining Sponsors 2022

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2022 Community Sustaining Sponsor

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2022 Community Sustaining Sponsor

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2020 Community Sustaining Sponsor

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2022 Community Sustaining Sponsor 

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2022 Community Sustaining Sponsor 

2022 Community Sustaining Sponsor

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Community Sustaining Sponsor

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2022 Community Sustaining Sponsor

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2022 Community Sustaining Sponsor

2022  Community Sustaining Sponsor

2022  Community Sustaining Sponsor

Sarpy Cass banner2022  Community Sustaining Sponsor


2022  Community Sustaining Sponsor


2022  Community Sustaining Sponsor