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May 1,2024  7:00 PM


Meeting Held at Elmwood Village Office

The Village Board of Trustees met in regular session on Wednesday, May 1, 2024. Chair Person, Renee Holland, called the meeting to order at 7:00pm. Holland stated that a current copy of the Nebraska Open Meetings Act was posted.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         

Roll Call: Becky Kicak, Patric Euse, Tony Greise, Heather Scott & Renee Holland.

Consent agenda: Scott motioned to approve the consent agenda, Euse seconded. RCV: 5 ayes

Claims Key: Bond Debt(BD)Contract Labor(CL), Electricity (E), Education(ED)Natural Gas (NG), Monthly Allotment (MA), Refuse (R), Fuel (F), Supplies (S) Publication (P), Telephone (T),  Mile Reimbursement (MR), Labs (L), Attorney (A), Cellphone(CP), Postage(PO), Payroll Tax(PT), Capital Improvement(CI), Simple IRA(SI), Dues(D), Payroll (PR) Education (EDU) Workman’s Comp Audit (W) Petty Cash Reimbursement(PR), Engineer (EN) , Sales Tax (ST), Truck Repair (TR), Dog License (DL), Street Surface Supplies (SSS), Tech. Repair (TR) Tech. purchase (TP), Debt Service (DS)

Claims: 8832.62 (PR) Clements Ins. (I) 32,152, USPS (P) 310, USABlueBook (S)83.31, Verizon (CP) 55.63, Hawkins (S) 1416.54, Core & Main (S)1853.27, Be Seen Signs (S) 26.88, Midwest Labs (L)183.25, Quill (S) 29.78, Randy Bornemeier (CL)1440, Voice News (P) 771.99, BOK (DS) 79,302.50, Menards (S)6.84, Village (PR) 69, NE Dept of Rev (ST) 1049.25, TACSS (D) 180, NE Labs (L) 37, Alicia Greise (MR)43.02, Lin. WinWater (S) 904.40, Blue Valley (CI) 1465, Meeske (S)41.37, PeopleService (CL)650, Kevin Huxhold(MR, S, T)1508.57, Akrs (TR)471.40, Windstream(T)198.96, American Funds (SI)234.02, IRS (PT)2724.24, NE Dept of Rev(PT)432.57, Intuit(D)12, Black Hills(NG)544.13, OPPD(E) 3620.52, hR.S Hughes (S) 140.75

New Business

Discussion/Action JEO Water System Proposal

Dane Simonsen here from JEO to present the proposal for the water system. JEO provided two different proposals, a water treatment plant technical memo and a preliminary engineering report each with their own scale of study. The technical memo is more focused on how the treatment plant and wells are operating, the efficiency and effectiveness of both. The engineering report includes fire hydrants, wells, WTP, buildings, capacity, demand, population projections and will provide help with long term questions. The engineering report recommendations would then be sent in to different funding sources for grant help for the projects. If the USDA has funding we would need the larger study done as it would include construction estimates, expansion need, ect. Greise asked about determining well life information. They would work with the drilling companies to evaluate each well. Euse asked about the average life cycle of a treatment plant. This is hard to answer and all depends and the materials used and maintenance of plant. Greise asked if there are state records of the last evaluation of the WTP and wells. Simonsen stated that if there had a been an evaluation in the past it would be on record. Euse asked how long it would take to get the study done. Simonsen stated that the evaluation would take 6 months. Greise asked about additional expenses outside the cost of the study. Simonsen stated that not a lot should come up unless they uncover a problem in the process that would need to be addressed right away. Discussion continued regarding technological advances in water treatment. Simonsen explained there hasn’t been anything revolutionary, but more about automation and digital availability. Greise asked about evaluating the pipes that run between the wells and the treatment plant and stressed the importance of knowing what those pipes look like. Discussion continued. Scott motioned to approve JEO’s Water System Preliminary Engineering Report for $30,000, Greise seconded. RCV: 5 ayes- motion carried.

Discussion/Action 2024 Water Restrictions

Euse went over the well draw down data provided by Huxhold. Euse states that the well numbers have remained mostly the same or improved. Euse shared an articule about recommendations on watering your lawn. Recommended vigilance as this draught issue is statewide. He thinks that 3 days per week would be sufficient and would like to emphasize protecting our wells and people’s yards. Kicak recommended pulling different tid bids from the article to share with the community weekly on social media. Scott motioned to change the water restrictions to 3 watering days per week with odd addresses watering on Monday, Wednesday & Saturday and even addresses watering on Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday, Kicak seconded. RCV: 5 ayes- motion carried.

Discussion/Action Rescheduling July meeting:

Holland is traveling in the second week of July and would not be able to attend if moved to the second week of July. Discussion continued with all board members checking their calendars. Euse motioned to move the July 3rd meeting to Thursday, July 11th at 7 PM, Kicak seconded. RCV: 5 ayes- motion carried.

Discussion/Action Abandoned and Neglected Properties

Examples of other towns’ ordinances for abandoned and neglected properties were provided. Scott stated that she really liked the examples and would like to move forward with this as soon as possible. Discussion continued. There would be a registration fee and monthly fees for however long the property remains in a neglected condition or abandoned. Scott motioned to pursue whatever avenue is needed to begin this process, Greise seconded. RCV: 5 ayes- motion carried.

Discussion/Action Ordinance # 2024-1

Scott motioned to wave the three readings. Kicak seconded. Citizen asked to speak before the board voted on the ordinance. He noted that the planning committee approved and recommended that this property be re-zoned to Industrial, but the ordinance was written for Commercial. The board discussed this issue and reviewed the zoning regulations for each zone. This issue was tabled for a special meeting after the attorney can rewrite the ordinance for Industrial.

Discussion/Action Insurance renewal

The board discussed the provided information from Clements insurance. Reviewed the suggested increases in coverage for the village. Kicak motioned to approve the insurance renewal as is with no increase in coverage, Scott seconded. RCV: 5 ayes- motion carried.

Discussion/Action Update on Reinke nuisance properties

Holland informed the board that Ms. Reinke had passed away and we are still awaiting an answer from the judge and attorneys on next steps. Holland would like to address the cat issue as soon as possible. Mahin will need to contact Ms. Reinke’s attorney and ask if there is any way we can get in to get the cats. There has been no ruling since the February 12th hearing. No action taken.

Discussion/Action 2024 TIF Report

Discussion only, no action taken.

Reports/Boards, Commissions, and Committees

Library: has asked for help installing a vision board for the new teen area 

Park: Goudie has started mowing and has done a great job.

Streets: signs installed at the brush pile, dumpsters ordered for town clean up day, fire siren has been serviced, mower service completed, alleys will need to be rocked by the tractor. Had a large limb down on 3rd and D Street which Kevin and Nick removed, new chain saw purchased.

Water: Layne Christensen out to check out the wells, ball valve placed on well 6, gate valve replaced on well 5, meter cancelled for 421 West F property, new owner.

Sewer: Testing has not been done correctly in a long time. NDEE has been out as well as NeRWA to help Kevin and do training at the WWTP and WTP. NDEE made suggestions on how to decrease the sediment blanket in the clarifier and helped provide a daily waste log. NeRWA suggested an enzyme to clean up the oil in the north clarifier. Settleometer broke- needed a replacement.

Planning/Zoning: Next meeting May 19th and June 23rd at 5 PM.

Public Comment: none

Correspondence: Kicak relayed a note from a citizen that noted the full minutes not being posted at the posting sites. Since we are only required to publish the proceedings that is what will be posted at the three posting sites. Full minutes are available on the website or at the village office by request. Board members were each given a copy of the Newly Elected Officials handbook.

Future Agenda

Abandoned and neglected property ordinance

Adjournment: 8:31 pm







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